Please Support Us
Linjoy Wildlfe Sanctuary and Rescue is funded by public donations and doesn't receive grants or govenment funding.
As all our staff are volunteers, 100% of donations go towards our operating costs and the animals which includes Vet Bills, Transportation, Ongoing Treament, Animal Feed and Shelters and Bedding.
If you need to bring an animal to us, please consider leaving a small donation to help us treat and care for the animal.
You can help us by donating in the following ways:
Registered to Linjoy Wildlife Centre you can make a donations via our Paypal Donations page
Bank Transfer
Account name: wildlife rescue burton
Sort Code: 09-01-27
Account Number: 37526434
Cheques can be sent to:
15 Lincoln Road
Burton on Trent
Please make Cheques payable to 'wildlife rescue burton'
Animal Food Donations
You can also donate food direct from our supplier by ringing Mole Valley Stores on 01283 810137. Mention that you are purchasing food for the wildlife centre. Donating food this way is cheaper than amazon. We use the following supplies and food daily:
- Dog and cat meat/biscuits (we use a minimum of 30 tins a day)
- Wild Bird seed
- Pigeon Mix
- Rabbit food
- Hamster food
- Fresh meat such as chicken and beef
- Fresh fish ie sardines and sprats
- Mixed corn
- Layers Pellets
- Straw and Hay
- Wood shavings
- Newspapers
- Towels/blankets
- Wild bird seed, suet trays
- Mealworms - live and dried
- Peanuts
- Fresh fruit and vegetables (no citrus fruits)
- Bread - Brown and white
We accept all food donations including open bags or out of date feeds. We can use almost every type of animal feed although our animals are not too keen on chappie dog tins. They can be dropped at the Burton address at any time or at the sanctuary by appointment.
Old Towels or Blankets?
We are always in need of towels, blankets and newspapers. Unfortunately we can not use anything with stuffing materials ie duvets, cushions or dog beds.
Vetinary Costs
Funds towards our veterinary costs can be also be donated directly to our vet by calling 01889 568900. Mention it is for the wildlife rescue account.
Fundraising Page
You can also help by making a donation to our fundraising page : Burton Wildlife Rescue And Animal Centre Fundraising Page